VOICE-Buffalo board members gathering on Aug. 3 for their first board meeting at the new office space at the Tri-Main Center.
We are pleased to spread the news that our partners at VOICE-Buffalo recently started a new chapter at a new office space in the Tri-Main Center (2495 Main Street, Suite 547, Buffalo). Michael Nicolás OkiĆczyc, VOICE Executive Director, recently had the following to say about this development.
"VOICE-Buffalo is excited to be occupying our new space at the Tri-Main building. After over a decade of occupying our last space on Franklin and W. Tupper, the board leadership and staff felt it was an ideal time to move, due to our growth over the past several years. The location of our new space brings us into closer proximity to our partner congregations and community organizations on the East side, West side, Downtown and in the suburbs. We are looking forward to this new chapter in our work! "
Please join Open Buffalo in wishing VOICE's staff, board, and member congregations many fruitful years in their new location.