Open Buffalo’s Justice & Opportunity campaign work includes advocating for ecological justice, creating safer neighborhoods, dismantling of mass incarceration and cutting recidivism, increasing grassroots power in frontline communities, and removing barriers to civic participation.
This work is often driven by important calls for legislative action, legislative proposals or pending legislation, and is carried out in collaboration with residents, community-based organizations, and the local criminal justice and corrections systems.
Have you checked out the original police reform report that Open Buffalo published in 2016 in collaboration with the Partnership for the Public Good? You can find the report (which includes results of our groundbreaking police perceptions survey of more than 2,000 Buffalonians) below:
Back to Basics Outreach Ministries, Inc. // Buffalo Common Councilman/Police Oversight Chair David Rivera // Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority // Buffalo Urban League // Color of Change // Nicole Lee, Esq. // Partnership for the Public Good // Prisoners are People Too, Inc. // St. Karen’s Center for Non-Violence // University at Buffalo - Office of Community Relations / / VOICE Buffalo // WNY Peace Center
Email us today if you are Interested in learning more about this work or volunteering for a future Justice & Opportunity campaign,
Take a look a the most recent work done to improve Justice & Opportunity in the Buffalo community.
The Color Run is all about free food, awesome music, and (washable) color dust for everyone!
There is no other better example of building together and creating community than a passionate community-focused, service training.
Open Buffalo reaffirms our commitment to teaching anti-racism, love, and justice.
The Emerging Leaders Program is changing the face of leadership and decision-making in our communities. It is distinguished by its unique focus on leadership for justice and social change, as well as our community of alumni and mentors.
Heart of The City Neighborhood Inc. (HOCN) and Open Buffalo seek a communications team to shape branding, public relations, and marketing for a community-based 2.5 year campaign focused on green mobility in Buffalo’s East Side.