As part of Open Buffalo’s annual Justice & Opportunity Series, we are hosting the "Youth Community Builder" Contest, a competition for local high school students who want to make a difference in their community! The first-place finisher will be awarded $2,500 to carry out a community project described in an essay proposal. They will also have honor of introducing Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, nationally known social justice leader, at his community presentation in Buffalo this October!
What’s your project?
If you had $2,500 to solve a problem that you see in your community, what would the problem be, and what would you do about it to create change in your community?
Write or record an essay proposal of your community project and submit it by Oct. 10, 2017.
Possible topics:
You can choose any community issue that you are passionate about, but here are some ideas:
- Safe transportation
- Vacant property
- Public art
- Job training/opportunity
- Public safety
- Empowerment through art
- Community health
- Anti-bullying
- Youth recreation
- Mentoring
- Recycling
- Environmental protection
Submission instructions (what we’re looking for):
- Essays can be submitted in written or video formats.
- Written essays should be no more than 4 pages, double spaced.
- Video essays should be 3-4 minutes in length.
- Sustainability: How will you keep this going once the $2,500 runs out?
- Community Impact: Who would be impacted by the project? Who would you collaborate or work with on your project from your community?
- Essays should be submitted by email to, or to Open Buffalo, 617 Main Street, Suite 350, Buffalo, NY 14203.
- Video entries: Please upload your video to YouTube and email the link to
- Scoring proposals: We will score submissions using this rubric.
- All entries are due no later than Oct. 10, 2017.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Grade levels: Students currently enrolled in 9th Grade through 12th Grade are eligible. Please indicate what school you attend and what grade you are in.
- Entries from individuals or small groups (1-3 people) will be accepted.
- If you already have a community project, please explain how you would improve or expand upon the project with this funding.
- Higher consideration will be given to projects that have not previously received funding.
Note: Second and third place finishers will receive awards of $1,000 and $500, respectively, to complete community projects.
Download this information page here.
Downnload our scoring rubric here.
Questions? Contact Open Buffalo at or 716-243-8777.