I. Introduction
Open Buffalo is a community-based organization dedicated to advancing racial, economic, and
ecological justice in Buffalo, NY. As we embark on our next phase of growth, we seek a skilled
strategic planning consultant to guide our organization in developing a comprehensive strategic
plan that aligns with our mission, vision, and long-term sustainability goals.
II. Scope of Work
The selected consultant will collaborate with Open Buffalo’s leadership, staff, board members,
and key community stakeholders to develop a 3-year strategic plan. The scope of work includes:
1. Organizational Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive review of Open Buffalo’s
programs, operations, and external environment.
2. Financial Wellness and long-term sustainability: Assess Open Buffalo’s financial
health, identify revenue diversification strategies, and develop a long-term financial
sustainability plan to ensure organizational resilience.
3. Stakeholder Engagement: Facilitate focus groups, surveys, and interviews with staff,
board, community partners, and funders.
4. Strategic Visioning: Develop a clear and actionable roadmap for Open Buffalo’s future,
including priorities and goals.
5. Implementation Framework: Provide recommendations for executing the strategic
plan, including metrics and evaluation measures.
6. Final Report & Presentation: Deliver a finalized strategic plan and present findings to
Open Buffalo’s leadership team and board.
III. Deliverables
• A detailed work plan and timeline
• Stakeholder engagement findings summary
• Draft and final strategic plan document
• Presentation of strategic plan
IV. Qualifications & Experience
The ideal consultant will have:
• Experience in nonprofit strategic planning, particularly in social justice and
environmental justice sectors.
• A proven track record of engaging diverse stakeholders in the planning process.
• Strong facilitation and communication skills.
• A strong understanding of how to communicate to both community members, funders
and supporters.
V. Proposal Submission Requirements
Interested consultants should submit a proposal including:
1. 2-minute video explaining why you are the ideal consultant for the position, BONUS
POINTS for creativity!
2. Cover Letter
3. Firm/Consultant Background
4. Proposed approach & methodology including communications and branding
5. Work Plan & Timeline
6. Detailed Budget Proposal and budget narrative
7. Relevant Experience & References
VI. Timeline
• RFP Released: February 19, 2025
• Proposal Submission Deadline: March 7, 2025
• Consultant Selection & Notification: March 21, 2025
• Project Start Date: April 7, 2025
• Completion of Strategic Plan: No later than October 31, 2025
VII. Selection Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated based on:
• Relevance and quality of past work 20%
• Understanding of Open Buffalo’s mission and goals 10%
• Video submission 10%
• Proposed methodology and work plan 30%
• Cost-effectiveness 25%
• References and qualifications 5%
VIII. Submission Details
Proposals should be submitted electronically to: Franchelle Parker Franchelle@openbuffalo.org