Next Generation United is looking for 10 orgranizations to compete for funding for community impact projects and programs.
Find out how mentoring an Open Buffalo Emerging Leader makes a meaningful contribution toward a stronger and more resilient community.
Nicole Hallett is featured on The Public Good to discuss her research on widespread violations of wage and safety laws in Buffalo.
Open Buffalo Emerging Leaders are dynamic community leaders, representing a diverse range of identities and from every corner of Buffalo. This installment features Andrea Gonzalez, a 2017 graduate.
Democracy Fellow Andrew Marcum talks with the Public Good about his project to increase civic and community engagement among folks with disabilities in Buffalo & Erie County.
May 15 fundraiser was a time to take stock of progress and lay groundwork for an even brighter future.
OB's Lead Organizer India Walton discusses disparities within marijuana enforcement in Buffalo and the fight to make marijuana the lowest level enforcement priority (LLEP) for Buffalo police.
The Partnership for the Public Good and Open Buffalo release report revealing widespread violations of wage and safety laws in Buffalo.
Ten cities will work together on strategies to fight displacement and build inclusive, prosperous cities.
Open Buffalo Emerging Leaders are dynamic community leaders, representing a diverse range of identities and from every corner of Buffalo. This installment features Jillian Hanesworth, a 2017 graduate.