First-Ever Open Buffalo Emerging Leaders Honored Saturday

Published December 12, 2015

Community-builders from all sides of Buffalo made up leadership development program’s inaugural class.

Campaign Corner: High Road Table Moves Forward

Published December 1, 2015

In addition to our expanding table, we have empowered various subcommittees to move research and strategic planning along.

Campaign Corner: Organizing, Outreach on Community Policing

Published December 1, 2015

Community Talks will be a means of hearing about individuals’ experiences and interactions with police. 

Julie Algubani, Emerging Leader

Published November 24, 2015

Julie Algubani, a local parent, activist, and Emerging Leaders participant, sits down for a Q&A with Open Buffalo.

Make N.Y. Minimum Wage a Living Wage

Published November 22, 2015

In a well-stated Nov. 22 opinion piece, essayists Fred Floss and Sam Magavern explained the wisdom of gradually increasing New York state's minimum wage to $15. 

Patricia Elliott, Emerging Leader

Published November 22, 2015

Profiling Patricia Elliott, a local change-maker who has enrolled in Open Buffalo's social justice school -- Emerging Leaders.

BaBa Eng of PRP2 Featured in "The Very Same House"

Published November 19, 2015

Canisius College student David Goodwin recently produced a short (12 minute) documentary film about recidivism, entitled "The Very Same House: Recidivism in Buffalo."

Buffalo Youth Shine Through Video Art

Published November 18, 2015

Two vibrant new pieces of Buffalo youth artwork demand your attention.

Help to Shape PPG's 2016 Community Agenda

Published November 16, 2015

PPG Community Agenda is a blueprint to help realize their shared vision of a just, sustainable, and culturally vibrant Buffalo.

OB High Road Partners Take on Gentrification, Speculation in Fruit Belt.

Published November 16, 2015

Today, a group of 19 High Road Economic Development Table partner organizations spoke with one voice.