Open Buffalo releases a new report, The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus: A High Road Strategy to Maximize the Community’s Benefit.
The Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation Board of Directors adopted a set of high road economic development principles to guide economic development initiatives for the Buffalo Waterfront.
Open Buffalo has taken over the airwaves this summer on the Partnership for the Public Good’s weekly radio show, The Public Good, to talk about some of the most pressing issues facing our community.
Planning Council members and Open Buffalo staffers are headed to Denver, CO where they will receive objective input and feedback on the draft proposal submitted in early August.
At Asbury Hall Wednesday night, members of Young Invnicibles shared a bill with local performers to bring civic engagement tools to Buffalo.
Franchelle Hart of 1199 SEIU speaks about Open Buffalo on the Public Good. A half-hour talk radio show on WUFO AM 1080 the Public Good airs at 1pm on Tuesday afternoons.
In today's Buffalo News, one resident talks about the need for community development and revitalization alongside economic development, to truly turn Buffalo around.
The Young Invincibles, a national organization committed to mobilizing and expanding opportunities for young American, will be in Buffalo this week, and they've been in the news.
Open Buffalo presents “Involved, Informed, Invincible!” an evening of music, dance, and activism, featuring leaders from the Young Invincibles and local performers.
Emily Oaks & Kathleen Heim of the Service Collaborative of WNY speak about Open Buffalo on the Public Good. A half-hour talk radio show on WUFO AM 1080 the Public Good airs at 1pm on Tuesday afternoons.