"VISIONS" to Culminate in Exhibition & Auction

Published October 5, 2016

Social-justice themed photography class will culminate in Nov. 11 exhibition and silent auction, hosted by CEPA Gallery and Open Buffalo.

Emerging Leaders 2016 Kicks Off!

Published October 4, 2016

Open Buffalo kicked off the 2016 session of Emerging Leaders on Friday, Sept. 9, officially marking the 2nd year of the program. 

CEJ to Hire a Transit Riders Union Organizer

Published September 15, 2016

If you are an organizer, and want to change the way we get around WNY then you should apply!

Hart Receives Women in Leadership Recognition

Published August 30, 2016

The Women in Leadership recognition is given out every month thanks to a partnership between the Buffalo Niagara Chapter of New State Women, Inc. and Channel 7 WKBW-TV.

“Can You Hear Me Now 716?” Held at Burgard

Published August 16, 2016

Town Hall Meeting in Buffalo’s Masten District Served as an Open Forum for Local Residents and Law Enforcement

Mentor an Emerging Leader this Fall!

Published August 8, 2016

Looking to help change your community? Do you have a few extra hours a week? How about serving as a mentor for the Open Buffalo emerging leaders program?

Peacemakers Strengthen Bonds with Restorative Justice Peace Circle

Published August 8, 2016

On August 3, Buffalo Peacemakers gathered in a Peace Circle that invited honest self-revelation and healing.

First Justice & Opportunity Week Wraps up

Published July 25, 2016

Between July 18 and 22, Open Buffalo held its first “Justice and Opportunity Week” — five days of free community discussions, performances, and workshops throughout the city of Buffalo.

“Justice & Opportunity Week” Kicks off

Published July 18, 2016

Open Buffalo Partners Outline the Agenda for Week of Citizen Empowerment, Report on Results of Groundbreaking Community Policing Survey.

OB Partners Unveil Preliminary Data from Community Policing Survey

Published July 18, 2016

Conducting brief, in-person interviews, surveyors engaged a truly diverse cross-section of the city population – men and women of different races, ages, genders, and class statuses, who reside in neighborhoods that span over thirty zip codes.

Justice & Opportunity Week -- Come out, Get Involved

Published July 12, 2016

Five days of community education and empowerment brought to you by the Open Buffalo movement. With featured guest D’Artagnan Scorza, Ph.D., the nationally renowned Founder and Executive Director of the Social Justice Learning Institute (Inglewood, CA).

Campaign Corner: 2,000 Surveys in the Books, J&O Week Coming

Published July 5, 2016

During the week of July 18, we will be kicking off our first-ever “Justice & Opportunity Week” to educate, inspire, and mobilize Buffalo.

Apply to be a 2016 Emerging Leader!

Published June 27, 2016

The Emerging Leaders program is a distinctive social justice curriculum aimed at building a stronger Buffalo by preparing new leaders in our city.

Partner Spotlight: Paul Perez

Published June 27, 2016

A longtime supporter and ally, Perez recently sat down with Open Buffalo to share a picture of the city, through his eyes.

"Hidden Histories" Presented by NYCLU Teen Activist Project

Published June 23, 2016

For "Hidden Histories," TAP participants researched culturally significant sites in Buffalo and created the historic markers that they deserve.

“Land Trust, Not Land Rush” Puts Spotlight on 200-Plus Vacant Lots in Fruit Belt

Published June 22, 2016

At Press Event/Community Cookout, Allied Groups Outline Proposal for Community Control and Revitalization of Hundreds of Vacant Lots in the Historic Fruit Belt Neighborhood.

Juneteenth 2016: Sun, Solidarity, and Surveying

Published June 19, 2016

On two hot and sunny June days, Open Buffalo staff and volunteers joined hundreds of others at Buffalo’s Juneteenth Festival in MLK Park on June 18 and 19.

Friends, Allies Convene for OB Open House

Published June 10, 2016

The open house marked the opening of our new space and was an opportunity to welcome the new additions to our staff.

First-Ever "West Side Emerging Leaders" Kicks Off

Published June 9, 2016

The program, modeled after Open Buffalo’s Emerging Leaders program, will include 15 dynamic, passionate leaders from Buffalo’s West Side.

Justice Works 2016 Coming in July -- Sign up Today!

Published June 9, 2016

Citizen Action of New York would like to invite members of the public with a love of social justice to consider attending this year's Justice Works.

Op-Ed: "Low-income New Yorkers take brunt of climate change"

Published June 7, 2016

None of us has the luxury of thinking climate change is someone else's problem, not even Albany.

Open Buffalo Welcomes Angie Estevez Prada for Summer

Published June 6, 2016

Estevez Prada will work with Open Buffalo through June and July through a Cornell University High Road Fellowship.

Partner Spotlight: Venezia Appleby

Published May 18, 2016

Lifelong Buffalonian Venezia Appleby is an Assistant Director of Respite Quality for People Inc., a board member of Just Buffalo Literary Center, and an Open Buffalo Emerging Leader.

PSC Taking Public Comments on Clean Energy Standard Plan

Published May 17, 2016

We are asking organizations that care about the transition to a renewable energy future to spread the word about these hearings and the public comment period.

Starting a Business? Apply for a Spot at the Foundry

Published May 17, 2016

The Foundry is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that supports small business growth and hands-on education.