Reserve Your Place at CommonBound 2016!

Published May 13, 2016

Hundreds will converge on Buffalo this July for national conference about visionary solutions and strategies that put people and planet first.

Harper Bishop Joins the Open Buffalo Team

Published May 4, 2016

Bishop brings wealth of experience to new role as Economic and Climate Justice Coordinator.

WNYCOSH Hires Program Director

Published May 4, 2016

Brian Brown-Cashdollar is coming back to WNYCOSH.

After 10 years of working with the refugee community in Buffalo, Brian is coming back to 

AG Schneiderman Joins Local Allies to Talk Climate Justice

Published April 21, 2016

On the Eve of Earth Day, Local Grassroots Organizations Host New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for a Community Conversation on Climate Justice.

Hart and Ali Featured on The Public Good Radio Show

Published April 21, 2016

Open Buffalo's Franchelle Hart and Shareef Ali II were recently interviewed on The Public Good Radio Show.

Youth Forum on Climate Justice Elevates Young Voices

Published April 12, 2016

An incredibly diverse group of 75 children and teens in a series of workshops, activities, and theater games connected to climate change and climate justice.

MAP is hiring for many positions this summer

Published April 6, 2016

MAP is THE place to get involved in addressing food insecurity issues in Buffalo!  And NOW is the time to get involved!

“Crossroads Collective” Set to Create a New Economy on Frontlines of Climate Change

Published March 17, 2016

Collective's kickoff effort is a campaign to pass NY Renews climate justice reforms in Albany.

PUSH Buffalo Elevates Rahwa Ghirmatzion to Deputy Director

Published March 15, 2016

In her new role, Ghirmatzion will oversee the organization’s programs and day-to-day operations.

Partner Spotlight: Karima Amin

Published March 1, 2016

Karima Amin, Founder/Director of Prisoners Are People Too, discusses her life's many phases and her mission to empower some of Buffalo's most vulnerable souls.

Community Policing Survey Hits the Streets of Buffalo

Published February 25, 2016

Survey kickoff gathering was packed with energized residents, ready to make changes in our city. 

Campaign Corner: Economic Justice Allies Under a New Name

Published February 23, 2016

Resident groups within the Fruit Belt, along with HRED Table allies from across Buffalo, have adopted the name "Community First Alliance."

Yemerz Hatosh: Resurrection of the Goddess “YEHO”

Published February 20, 2016

An original short story by Queen Akilah YOHE-RA.

Campaign Corner: J&O House Parties, Survey, Training on Tap

Published February 17, 2016

The Justice and Opportunity (J&O) table's Community Oriented Policing campaign continues to gain momentum in the new year.

Free Clinics Here to Help This Tax Season

Published February 14, 2016

The Low Income Taxpayer Clinic provides representation, advice, and referral services to low-income taxpayers who have disputes with the IRS or cannot afford to pay federal income taxes that are owed.

Buffalo-Niagara: How are We Really Doing?

Published February 12, 2016

PPG is delighted to release a policy brief by Lawrence Brooks outlining some of the key points from his book Buffalo Niagara; Diagnosis and Prescription for Change.

PPG Releases New Report on Employment and Race in Buffalo

Published January 19, 2016

Coalition of labor, community, and religious organizations commissioned the PPG to produce a comprehensive study on racial employment inequality in the Buffalo-Niagara region. 

PPG Releases 2016 Community Agenda at Merriweather Library

Published January 15, 2016

PPG's "Community-Oriented Policing" focus area correlates with Open Buffalo's Community-Oriented Policing campaign.

“Mind the Gap” Press Conference Highlights Need to Battle Pay Discrimination

Published December 16, 2015

Taxpayers, advocates declare support for enforcement of new Pay Equity Policy before ECIDA Board meeting.

Powerful & Diverse New Campaign Launches to Push New York State to Lead on Climate

Published December 16, 2015

“NY Renews” campaign for good jobs, healthy communities, and 100% clean energy launches with support from over 40 community, labor, and environmental groups.

First-Ever Open Buffalo Emerging Leaders Honored Saturday

Published December 12, 2015

Community-builders from all sides of Buffalo made up leadership development program’s inaugural class.

Campaign Corner: High Road Table Moves Forward

Published December 1, 2015

In addition to our expanding table, we have empowered various subcommittees to move research and strategic planning along.

Campaign Corner: Organizing, Outreach on Community Policing

Published December 1, 2015

Community Talks will be a means of hearing about individuals’ experiences and interactions with police. 

Julie Algubani, Emerging Leader

Published November 24, 2015

Julie Algubani, a local parent, activist, and Emerging Leaders participant, sits down for a Q&A with Open Buffalo.

Make N.Y. Minimum Wage a Living Wage

Published November 22, 2015

In a well-stated Nov. 22 opinion piece, essayists Fred Floss and Sam Magavern explained the wisdom of gradually increasing New York state's minimum wage to $15.