Patricia Elliott, Emerging Leader

Published November 22, 2015

Profiling Patricia Elliott, a local change-maker who has enrolled in Open Buffalo's social justice school -- Emerging Leaders.

BaBa Eng of PRP2 Featured in "The Very Same House"

Published November 19, 2015

Canisius College student David Goodwin recently produced a short (12 minute) documentary film about recidivism, entitled "The Very Same House: Recidivism in Buffalo."

Buffalo Youth Shine Through Video Art

Published November 18, 2015

Two vibrant new pieces of Buffalo youth artwork demand your attention.

Help to Shape PPG's 2016 Community Agenda

Published November 16, 2015

PPG Community Agenda is a blueprint to help realize their shared vision of a just, sustainable, and culturally vibrant Buffalo.

OB High Road Partners Take on Gentrification, Speculation in Fruit Belt.

Published November 16, 2015

Today, a group of 19 High Road Economic Development Table partner organizations spoke with one voice.

Back to Basics' Re-Entry Expertise Tapped in Recent Story

Published November 13, 2015

Recent news story titled "Advocates: Immediate Support Crucial For People Let Out of Federal Prison Early" featured Pastor James Giles and George BaBa Eng of Back to Basics Outreach Ministries

CEJ Brings National Day of Action to Buffalo

Published November 10, 2015

"This week was yet another exciting week for the movement to raise wages and expand workers' rights across the country."

Coming Together to Promote Peace

Published October 26, 2015

"Now we can gather at the Ray of Light Mural site and in the spaces of the Buffalo Arts Studio to provide Peace and Healing Circles to the community."

Campaign Corner: Community and Police -- Building Bridges

Published October 13, 2015

Our recently formed Justice & Opportunity Table has been convening since August.

Campaign Corner: Putting Buffalo on the High Road

Published October 13, 2015

Open Buffalo’s High Road Economic Development table continues to develop strategies to ensure that local development takes into consideration the needs of all.

Partner Spotlight: Stacey Robinson

Published October 8, 2015

Stacey Robinson is a Buffalo transplant, a powerful visual artist, and an Open Buffalo partner. In this interview, he discusses his journey, his work, and his vision for the Queen City.

Open Buffalo supports City of Buffalo Opportunity Pledge

Published October 5, 2015

Mayor Brown thanks the leadership and staff of Open Buffalo for joining individuals and organizations across Buffalo in signing the pledge.

"Ray of Light" in the News

Published September 18, 2015

Inspired by the memory of Ms. Jerald "Dee Dee" Goldsmith, the Ray of Light will serve as an artistic beacon of peace in the community surrounding Masten Park.

Partygoers Bring Skateland Mural Closer to Completion

Published September 18, 2015

The Skateland Mural Raising Party was an open, inclusive, outdoor/indoor, family-friendly, community-wide celebration of diversity.

OB Emerging Leaders off and Running!

Published September 14, 2015

Participants learned how to build campaigns for positive social change from the ground up, using their heads, hearts, and hands.

VOICE-Buffalo Settles into New Home

Published August 20, 2015

We are pleased to spread the news that our partners at VOICE-Buffalo recently started a new chapter at a new office space in the Tri-Main Center.

Partner Spotlight: Rev. Kirk Laubenstein

Published August 18, 2015

Amid the ongoing fight for economic justice, Rev. Kirk Laubenstein recently sat down with Open Buffalo to discuss his path to activism, the Fight for $15, and more.

Only 2 Weeks Left to Apply for Emerging Leaders

Published August 10, 2015

Open Buffalo’s Emerging Leaders Program is a brand new leadership development training school which aims to build a stronger Buffalo by preparing new leaders in our city.

Open Buffalo Reports Successes and Priorities

Published July 28, 2015

Allied grassroots activists converged on Massachusetts Avenue Park Tuesday morning for a press conference and community cookout.

Open Buffalo Adds Its Voice to the #CanCarl Campaign

Published July 14, 2015

Many in Buffalo are fed up with school board member Carl Paladino, and rallied to fight the systemic racism permeating our city and schools. 

Peace Circles Underway in the Erie County Correctional Facility

Published July 14, 2015

Karima Amin, Founder/Director of Prisoners Are People Too, Inc., reports Restorative Justice progress in  the Alden correctional facility.

A 'High Road' Infusion for Open Buffalo

Published July 9, 2015

High Road Fellows Caro Achar and Lauren Lang speak about their backgrounds, their interests, and what drew them to spend a summer embedded in Buffalo's social justice movement.

Pastor Giles featured on "The Public Good"

Published July 8, 2015

Pastor James Giles of Back to Basics, Buffalo Peace Makers and Voice Buffalo discusses community policing in Buffalo with Sam Magavern on the Public Good.

Elisabeth Preisinger Joins Open Buffalo Staff as Program Associate

Published July 1, 2015

The Open Buffalo Program Associate is part office manager, part events coordinator, part executive assistant, part community liaison, part social networker and full-time agent for change.

Open Buffalo Coalition Calls for Immediate Passage of Fruit Belt Parking Legislation

Published June 18, 2015

Coalition of residents, community groups, and labor allies calls for immediate passage of Fruit Belt parking legislation (A.7574-A / S.5306-A)