Buffalo Arts Studio and Open Buffalo moderated a panel discussion between painter Julia Douglas, Professor Henry Louis Taylor, author Gary Earl Ross, poet Bianca McGraw, and filmmaker Korey Green.
On April 28, 2017, we were proud to help Buffalo-based visual artist Julia Douglas celebrate the opening of her first solo exhibition, titled “Tinted.”
From the day that Prisoners Are People Too, Inc. was launched, it has provided a platform for formerly incarcerated people and their loved ones to tell their stories.
The program aims to raise up new leaders on Buffalo's West Side and empower residents on the West Side to have a voice in the West Side Promise Neighborhood coalition.
Mentors play an important role in supporting the new leaders of Buffalo!
New Profile of Buffalo Highlights Dramatic Inequities and Opportunities to Reverse Them
Position will lead community education, research, and planning efforts with the goal of developing a replicable participatory planning process and producing a comprehensive community energy plan.
It is unacceptable for New York to forgo aggressive climate action as President Trump works to dismantle vital climate and environmental protections. Support the Climate & Community Protection Act.
A fund has been established to assist the residents of the Fruit Belt community so that they will have a say in the building and revitalization of their community.
The Community Youth Fellowships will support dynamic activists aged 18-25 who want to implement a project of their own design that advances human rights.