Looking to help change your community? Do you have a few extra hours a week? How about serving as a mentor for the Open Buffalo emerging leaders program?
On August 3, Buffalo Peacemakers gathered in a Peace Circle that invited honest self-revelation and healing.
Between July 18 and 22, Open Buffalo held its first “Justice and Opportunity Week” — five days of free community discussions, performances, and workshops throughout the city of Buffalo.
Open Buffalo Partners Outline the Agenda for Week of Citizen Empowerment, Report on Results of Groundbreaking Community Policing Survey.
Conducting brief, in-person interviews, surveyors engaged a truly diverse cross-section of the city population – men and women of different races, ages, genders, and class statuses, who reside in neighborhoods that span over thirty zip codes.
Five days of community education and empowerment brought to you by the Open Buffalo movement. With featured guest D’Artagnan Scorza, Ph.D., the nationally renowned Founder and Executive Director of the Social Justice Learning Institute (Inglewood, CA).
During the week of July 18, we will be kicking off our first-ever “Justice & Opportunity Week” to educate, inspire, and mobilize Buffalo.
The Emerging Leaders program is a distinctive social justice curriculum aimed at building a stronger Buffalo by preparing new leaders in our city.
A longtime supporter and ally, Perez recently sat down with Open Buffalo to share a picture of the city, through his eyes.
For "Hidden Histories," TAP participants researched culturally significant sites in Buffalo and created the historic markers that they deserve.