Beautiful weather and jubilant crowds lining Genesee Street made for a memorable Juneteenth of Buffalo 2015 Parade last Saturday.
New Innovation Lab Brief Explains How a Raise for Fast Food Workers Will Help Western New York.
On May 14, Nicole Lee, world-renowned human rights lawyer, returned to her hometown to give a talk at Greater Works Christian Fellowship.
Dr. Leon Botstein, thinker, conductor, and Bard College president, didn't disappoint in Buffalo.
Fruit Belt residents have drafted elements of a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) that would enable long-term neighborhood residents to benefit from economic development, and prevent displacement.
On Saturday, April 18, Open Buffalo presented an “Organizing for Change” workshop at One Region Forward’s Citizen Planning School.
New “Getting There" report gives up-to-date context to Buffalo’s attendance discussion and offers evidence-based proposals to turn this negative trend around.
Thanks to the folks who took a few moments to reflect with us at our Buffalo Dream Wall!
"Fight for 15" proponents from across New York State took to the state Capitol Building in Albany yesterday
Topics will include “Poverty, Race and Community Policing;” “Understanding the Experiences of New Americans in Buffalo;” and “An Exploration into the Lives of Chronically Homeless Women.”
"Assemblage" and "Binary ConScience" kick off March 27 at Buffalo Arts Studio
The Open Places All-Site Convening met from February 18 through 20 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
New Innovation Lab reports and examine socially conscious arts groups in Erie County and look at best practices in marrying the arts and community justice work.
Join Open Buffalo and Partnership for the Public Good for a night of great theater, March 12.
It is more vital than ever to have community and business aligned so that we might begin to erase the social and economic divides that have defined our city for far too long.
Open Buffalo Innovation Lab Releases Policy Briefs: "High Road Economic Development: Best Practices" and "The High Road Economy: Principles & Practices."
As Scribe, Hill aims to similarly magnify and empower the voices of those with whom Open Buffalo works.
Trainers from Dismantling Racism Works empower Open Buffalo recruits with new tools of race analysis.
Partnership for the Public Good's 2015 community agenda includes research support for Open Buffalo campaigns.
The shift from permanent to temporary jobs has been dramatic in recent years, and it is an important reason for the growth in economic inequality and poverty.
Buffalo fast-food workers went on strike for the first time, joining the "Fight for $15" movement.
Open Buffalo's rigorous Leading Change workshop weekend led social justice-minded crowd to breakthroughs and connections.
Magic School Bus Tour looks at the “good, bad, and ugly” of Western New York industrial development agencies.
How does Buffalo talk about Buffalo, and what impact do our stories have on public policy?
Ujima recently welcomed Open Buffalo for a night of challenging and inspiring theater.