New Report Urges Buffalo Policing Reforms

Published November 18, 2016

Calls for Collaboration, Communication, and Community-Building

VISIONS Showcases Community Work, Supports Emerging Leaders

Published November 12, 2016

This week, we were proud to recognize the work of our first social justice-themed photography class, “VISIONS: A Photographic Journey in Social Justice.”

OB Staff and Partners Talk "No Boundaries"

Published October 14, 2016

Franchelle Hart (Open Buffalo) and Steve Peraza (Partnership for the Public Good) discuss the content of the special-edition "No Boundaries" newspaper.

Pitch Your Social Innovation Project to NGU

Published October 12, 2016

NGU seeks interest from local nonprofits that could use a grant of up to $5,000 to advance their work in the areas of education, financial stability, and/or health & wellness.

Free Special Edition Newspaper Advocates for a Renaissance in All Buffalo Neighborhoods

Published October 11, 2016

In collaboration with Open Buffalo, Rise Collaborative debuts the first issue of "No Boundaries" - a special-edition, free newspaper carrying stories from typically underreported areas of Buffalo.

"VISIONS" to Culminate in Exhibition & Auction

Published October 5, 2016

Social-justice themed photography class will culminate in Nov. 11 exhibition and silent auction, hosted by CEPA Gallery and Open Buffalo.

Emerging Leaders 2016 Kicks Off!

Published October 4, 2016

Open Buffalo kicked off the 2016 session of Emerging Leaders on Friday, Sept. 9, officially marking the 2nd year of the program. 

CEJ to Hire a Transit Riders Union Organizer

Published September 15, 2016

If you are an organizer, and want to change the way we get around WNY then you should apply!

Hart Receives Women in Leadership Recognition

Published August 30, 2016

The Women in Leadership recognition is given out every month thanks to a partnership between the Buffalo Niagara Chapter of New State Women, Inc. and Channel 7 WKBW-TV.

“Can You Hear Me Now 716?” Held at Burgard

Published August 16, 2016

Town Hall Meeting in Buffalo’s Masten District Served as an Open Forum for Local Residents and Law Enforcement