Buffalo Arts Studio and Open Buffalo moderated a panel discussion between painter Julia Douglas, Professor Henry Louis Taylor, author Gary Earl Ross, poet Bianca McGraw, and filmmaker Korey Green.
On April 28, 2017, we were proud to help Buffalo-based visual artist Julia Douglas celebrate the opening of her first solo exhibition, titled “Tinted.”
From the day that Prisoners Are People Too, Inc. was launched, it has provided a platform for formerly incarcerated people and their loved ones to tell their stories.
The program aims to raise up new leaders on Buffalo's West Side and empower residents on the West Side to have a voice in the West Side Promise Neighborhood coalition.
Mentors play an important role in supporting the new leaders of Buffalo!
New Profile of Buffalo Highlights Dramatic Inequities and Opportunities to Reverse Them
Position will lead community education, research, and planning efforts with the goal of developing a replicable participatory planning process and producing a comprehensive community energy plan.
It is unacceptable for New York to forgo aggressive climate action as President Trump works to dismantle vital climate and environmental protections. Support the Climate & Community Protection Act.
A fund has been established to assist the residents of the Fruit Belt community so that they will have a say in the building and revitalization of their community.
The Community Youth Fellowships will support dynamic activists aged 18-25 who want to implement a project of their own design that advances human rights.
This co-op is an answer to the lack of black food store ownership in the black community. It is an attempt at giving ownership and control to those that live in the community. It is an effort to allow the dollar to circulate in the community.
The Emerging Leaders program is a distinctive social justice curriculum aimed at building a stronger Buffalo.
Concerned people of Buffalo demand and deserve a swift and painstakingly transparent inquiry into the death of a civilian after an encounter with the Buffalo Police Department.
Open Buffalo joins a host of community allies in rallying in support of our immigrant, Muslim, and refugee neighbors and loved ones.
Fruit Belt Community Land Trust Fundraiser Coming Friday, Feb. 3.
Buffalo needs leadership that understands and fights for the needs of all — regardless of race, class, or gender.
By linking the production of affordable housing to the production of market-rate housing, Inclusionary Zoning is a powerful tool to combat Buffalo's affordable housing crisis.
The 2016 Emerging Leaders are 24 dynamic community leaders, representing a diverse range of identities and from every corner of Buffalo.
Climbing PoeTree is a duo of longtime “soul sisters” whose voices and rhythmic creations have touched justice movements around the globe.
The Community Youth Fellowships will support dynamic activists aged 18–25 who want to implement a project of their own design that advances human rights in underserved communities.
Calls for Collaboration, Communication, and Community-Building
This week, we were proud to recognize the work of our first social justice-themed photography class, “VISIONS: A Photographic Journey in Social Justice.”
Franchelle Hart (Open Buffalo) and Steve Peraza (Partnership for the Public Good) discuss the content of the special-edition "No Boundaries" newspaper.
NGU seeks interest from local nonprofits that could use a grant of up to $5,000 to advance their work in the areas of education, financial stability, and/or health & wellness.
In collaboration with Open Buffalo, Rise Collaborative debuts the first issue of "No Boundaries" - a special-edition, free newspaper carrying stories from typically underreported areas of Buffalo.
Social-justice themed photography class will culminate in Nov. 11 exhibition and silent auction, hosted by CEPA Gallery and Open Buffalo.
Open Buffalo kicked off the 2016 session of Emerging Leaders on Friday, Sept. 9, officially marking the 2nd year of the program.
If you are an organizer, and want to change the way we get around WNY then you should apply!
The Women in Leadership recognition is given out every month thanks to a partnership between the Buffalo Niagara Chapter of New State Women, Inc. and Channel 7 WKBW-TV.
Town Hall Meeting in Buffalo’s Masten District Served as an Open Forum for Local Residents and Law Enforcement
Looking to help change your community? Do you have a few extra hours a week? How about serving as a mentor for the Open Buffalo emerging leaders program?
On August 3, Buffalo Peacemakers gathered in a Peace Circle that invited honest self-revelation and healing.
Between July 18 and 22, Open Buffalo held its first “Justice and Opportunity Week” — five days of free community discussions, performances, and workshops throughout the city of Buffalo.
Open Buffalo Partners Outline the Agenda for Week of Citizen Empowerment, Report on Results of Groundbreaking Community Policing Survey.
Conducting brief, in-person interviews, surveyors engaged a truly diverse cross-section of the city population – men and women of different races, ages, genders, and class statuses, who reside in neighborhoods that span over thirty zip codes.
Five days of community education and empowerment brought to you by the Open Buffalo movement. With featured guest D’Artagnan Scorza, Ph.D., the nationally renowned Founder and Executive Director of the Social Justice Learning Institute (Inglewood, CA).
During the week of July 18, we will be kicking off our first-ever “Justice & Opportunity Week” to educate, inspire, and mobilize Buffalo.
The Emerging Leaders program is a distinctive social justice curriculum aimed at building a stronger Buffalo by preparing new leaders in our city.
A longtime supporter and ally, Perez recently sat down with Open Buffalo to share a picture of the city, through his eyes.
For "Hidden Histories," TAP participants researched culturally significant sites in Buffalo and created the historic markers that they deserve.
At Press Event/Community Cookout, Allied Groups Outline Proposal for Community Control and Revitalization of Hundreds of Vacant Lots in the Historic Fruit Belt Neighborhood.
On two hot and sunny June days, Open Buffalo staff and volunteers joined hundreds of others at Buffalo’s Juneteenth Festival in MLK Park on June 18 and 19.
The open house marked the opening of our new space and was an opportunity to welcome the new additions to our staff.
The program, modeled after Open Buffalo’s Emerging Leaders program, will include 15 dynamic, passionate leaders from Buffalo’s West Side.
Citizen Action of New York would like to invite members of the public with a love of social justice to consider attending this year's Justice Works.
None of us has the luxury of thinking climate change is someone else's problem, not even Albany.
Estevez Prada will work with Open Buffalo through June and July through a Cornell University High Road Fellowship.
Lifelong Buffalonian Venezia Appleby is an Assistant Director of Respite Quality for People Inc., a board member of Just Buffalo Literary Center, and an Open Buffalo Emerging Leader.
We are asking organizations that care about the transition to a renewable energy future to spread the word about these hearings and the public comment period.
The Foundry is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that supports small business growth and hands-on education.
Hundreds will converge on Buffalo this July for national conference about visionary solutions and strategies that put people and planet first.
Bishop brings wealth of experience to new role as Economic and Climate Justice Coordinator.
Brian Brown-Cashdollar is coming back to WNYCOSH.
After 10 years of working with the refugee community in Buffalo, Brian is coming back to
On the Eve of Earth Day, Local Grassroots Organizations Host New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for a Community Conversation on Climate Justice.
Open Buffalo's Franchelle Hart and Shareef Ali II were recently interviewed on The Public Good Radio Show.
An incredibly diverse group of 75 children and teens in a series of workshops, activities, and theater games connected to climate change and climate justice.
MAP is THE place to get involved in addressing food insecurity issues in Buffalo! And NOW is the time to get involved!
Collective's kickoff effort is a campaign to pass NY Renews climate justice reforms in Albany.
In her new role, Ghirmatzion will oversee the organization’s programs and day-to-day operations.
Karima Amin, Founder/Director of Prisoners Are People Too, discusses her life's many phases and her mission to empower some of Buffalo's most vulnerable souls.
Survey kickoff gathering was packed with energized residents, ready to make changes in our city.
Resident groups within the Fruit Belt, along with HRED Table allies from across Buffalo, have adopted the name "Community First Alliance."
An original short story by Queen Akilah YOHE-RA.
The Justice and Opportunity (J&O) table's Community Oriented Policing campaign continues to gain momentum in the new year.
The Low Income Taxpayer Clinic provides representation, advice, and referral services to low-income taxpayers who have disputes with the IRS or cannot afford to pay federal income taxes that are owed.
PPG is delighted to release a policy brief by Lawrence Brooks outlining some of the key points from his book Buffalo Niagara; Diagnosis and Prescription for Change.
Coalition of labor, community, and religious organizations commissioned the PPG to produce a comprehensive study on racial employment inequality in the Buffalo-Niagara region.
PPG's "Community-Oriented Policing" focus area correlates with Open Buffalo's Community-Oriented Policing campaign.
Taxpayers, advocates declare support for enforcement of new Pay Equity Policy before ECIDA Board meeting.
“NY Renews” campaign for good jobs, healthy communities, and 100% clean energy launches with support from over 40 community, labor, and environmental groups.
Community-builders from all sides of Buffalo made up leadership development program’s inaugural class.
In addition to our expanding table, we have empowered various subcommittees to move research and strategic planning along.
Community Talks will be a means of hearing about individuals’ experiences and interactions with police.
Julie Algubani, a local parent, activist, and Emerging Leaders participant, sits down for a Q&A with Open Buffalo.
In a well-stated Nov. 22 opinion piece, essayists Fred Floss and Sam Magavern explained the wisdom of gradually increasing New York state's minimum wage to $15.
Profiling Patricia Elliott, a local change-maker who has enrolled in Open Buffalo's social justice school -- Emerging Leaders.
Canisius College student David Goodwin recently produced a short (12 minute) documentary film about recidivism, entitled "The Very Same House: Recidivism in Buffalo."
Two vibrant new pieces of Buffalo youth artwork demand your attention.
PPG Community Agenda is a blueprint to help realize their shared vision of a just, sustainable, and culturally vibrant Buffalo.
Today, a group of 19 High Road Economic Development Table partner organizations spoke with one voice.
Recent news story titled "Advocates: Immediate Support Crucial For People Let Out of Federal Prison Early" featured Pastor James Giles and George BaBa Eng of Back to Basics Outreach Ministries
"This week was yet another exciting week for the movement to raise wages and expand workers' rights across the country."
"Now we can gather at the Ray of Light Mural site and in the spaces of the Buffalo Arts Studio to provide Peace and Healing Circles to the community."
Our recently formed Justice & Opportunity Table has been convening since August.
Open Buffalo’s High Road Economic Development table continues to develop strategies to ensure that local development takes into consideration the needs of all.
Stacey Robinson is a Buffalo transplant, a powerful visual artist, and an Open Buffalo partner. In this interview, he discusses his journey, his work, and his vision for the Queen City.
Mayor Brown thanks the leadership and staff of Open Buffalo for joining individuals and organizations across Buffalo in signing the pledge.
Inspired by the memory of Ms. Jerald "Dee Dee" Goldsmith, the Ray of Light will serve as an artistic beacon of peace in the community surrounding Masten Park.
The Skateland Mural Raising Party was an open, inclusive, outdoor/indoor, family-friendly, community-wide celebration of diversity.
Participants learned how to build campaigns for positive social change from the ground up, using their heads, hearts, and hands.
We are pleased to spread the news that our partners at VOICE-Buffalo recently started a new chapter at a new office space in the Tri-Main Center.
Amid the ongoing fight for economic justice, Rev. Kirk Laubenstein recently sat down with Open Buffalo to discuss his path to activism, the Fight for $15, and more.
Open Buffalo’s Emerging Leaders Program is a brand new leadership development training school which aims to build a stronger Buffalo by preparing new leaders in our city.
Allied grassroots activists converged on Massachusetts Avenue Park Tuesday morning for a press conference and community cookout.
Many in Buffalo are fed up with school board member Carl Paladino, and rallied to fight the systemic racism permeating our city and schools.
Karima Amin, Founder/Director of Prisoners Are People Too, Inc., reports Restorative Justice progress in the Alden correctional facility.
High Road Fellows Caro Achar and Lauren Lang speak about their backgrounds, their interests, and what drew them to spend a summer embedded in Buffalo's social justice movement.
Pastor James Giles of Back to Basics, Buffalo Peace Makers and Voice Buffalo discusses community policing in Buffalo with Sam Magavern on the Public Good.
The Open Buffalo Program Associate is part office manager, part events coordinator, part executive assistant, part community liaison, part social networker and full-time agent for change.
Coalition of residents, community groups, and labor allies calls for immediate passage of Fruit Belt parking legislation (A.7574-A / S.5306-A)